Your Truly, Natalie Banner Picture of Natalie

Welcome to My Website! :)

Heya!!! Welcome to my small corner of the internet! Its yours truly, Natalie! Thank you so much for stopping by my website, whether you stumbled upon this space intentionally or found it by serendipity, I'm so glad you're here! Expect content ranging from study sessions and coding, all while attempting to be aesthetic! I'm all about sharing my daily life, making it a space for connection and exploration. Feel free to wander through the pages, explore the nooks, and linger in the crannies.



My Hot Takes, My Hyperfixatios & Brainrots!

little Enthusiastic
little Enthusiastic
Food Nat Cooks
Making Onigiris For the 1st Time!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Consectetur sodales morbi dignissim sed diam pharetra vitae ipsum odio.

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Drawing of an Enthusiastic Natalie!
little Enthusiastic
YouTube Clothing Brand Nats Plans
Astral Midnyte Apparel

I have been working on a streetwear company called Astral Midnyte Apparel! Let's go over some ups and downs, I'll give you some tips as well on starting a brand!

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Follow Me!


Journey with me through the cozy study and coding sessions, witness the chaos in my pursuit of aesthetics. Follow the adventure on Instagram, TikTok, and don't forget to subscribe for more content! 📚💻✨



Check out my latest Pictures! (In my attempts to be aestheitc- to be...THAT GIRL. \(^▽^)/ )

Thank you for visting my Website!